Friday, December 21, 2007

No Country For Old Men

I saw this movie for the second time last night and it hypnotized me the same way it did the first time. Javier Bardem plays the most unbelievably chilling villain (worthy of a Golden Globe nomination) that makes everyone in the theater uncomfortable when he is present on screen. The movie keeps you in its grasp with an unusual storyline and absolutely no music in the entirety of the movie. This movie furthers my opinion of how good the Coen Brothers really are at theatrical storytelling. The ending has made quite an impact on its audiences as people think there should be more to the story or some kind of alternate ending, but I think this is just what cinema needs are more movies that make the audience think and not live by the ever-present hollywood formula.

Very well done movie, with outstanding acting, and should probably be seen more than once

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